"Iron is an essential element for life"



About Radboudumc Center for Iron Disorders

The Radboudumc Center for Iron Disorders (RCID) is a full facility (inter)national expertise center for clinical care, diagnostics and research of patients suspected for or with established iron disorders.


Our Center aims to have a significant impact on patients with iron disorders. To this end, we offer top end clinical care to both adult and children with hereditary hemochromatosis and anemia due to defects in iron metabolism or heem synthesis, and develop clinical guidelines for these disorders.

Our team of researchers focuses on the understanding of iron metabolism, in particular the identification and characterization of novel factors that affect dysregulation of iron homeostasis in various human disorders. New findings are translated into novel diagnostic assays and therapeutic strategies that can be implemented in the clinic.

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Recent publications

Provisional standardization of hepcidin assays: creating a traceability chain with a primary reference material, candidate reference method and a commutable secondary reference material Diepeveen, Laarakkers, Martos, Pawlak, Uğuz, Verberne, van Swelm, Klaver, de Haan, Pitts, Bansal, Abbas, Fillet, Lefebvre, Geurts-Moespot, Girelli, Castagna, Herkert, Itkonen, Olbina, Tomosugi, Westerman, Delatour, Weykamp, Swinkels. CCLM 2018; Epub
Tubular iron deposition and iron handling proteins in human healthy kidney and chronic kidney disease van Raaij S, van Swelm R, Bouman K, Cliteur M, van den Heuvel M, Pertijs J, Patel D, Bass P, van Goor H, Unwin R, Srai SK, Swinkels D. Sci Rep 2018;8(1):9353.
Inhibition of Nrf2 alters cell stress induced by chronic iron exposure in human proximal tubular epithelial cells van Raaij SEG, Masereeuw R, Swinkels DW, van Swelm RPL. Toxicol Lett 2018;
Endogenous hepcidin synthesis protects the distal nephron against hemin and hemoglobin mediated necroptosis van Swelm RPL, Vos M, Verhoeven F, Thévenod F, Swinkels DW. Cell Death Dis 2018;9(5):550.
Sustained plasma hepcidin suppression and iron elevation by Anticalin-derived hepcidin antagonist in cynomolgus monkey Hohlbaum AM, Gille H, Trentmann S, Kolodziejczyk M, Rattenstetter B, Laarakkers CM, Katzmann G, Christian HJ, Andersen N, Allersdorfer A, Olwill SA, Meibohm B, Audoly LP, Swinkels DW, van Swelm RPL. Br J Pharmacol 2018;175(7):1054-1065.

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Announcement European Iron Club 2021